
Where is the GNFA orphanage located?  

The orphanage is located in a rural area in the province of South Kivu; City of Bukavu, very near the border with Rwanda.

Congo Democratic Republic Political Map with capital Kinshasa, national borders, most important cities, rivers and lakes. Illustration with English labeling and scaling.

How many children are there and how did they become orphaned?

GNFA is presently caring for 25 orphans – 10 boys and 15 girls — ranging in age from 5 to 11 years old. Their parents have died from a variety of causes, including as a result of civil war and disease. Their only recourse is GNFA because the children’s next of kin was unable to care for them (where there are surviving relatives) or there was currently no room for them in established orphanages.


What does a day in the life of a child in GNFA orphanage look like? 

The children live in a 7 Bedroom house that also has a kitchen and a common room. They eat three meals a day, attend school (for those old enough), and receive pastoral care. The children receive as-needed medical care. There’s also time for play and enjoyment (although the children could use more toys and games to play with!).

Who Cares for the Children?

  • The Caregivers: The children’s daily care (cooking, cleaning, oversight) is entrusted to several Congolese caregivers.

  • Pastoral Care: Pastoral care is provided by Pastor David, the pastor of a local church. Pastor David, twice daily, shares the Bible with the children, sings songs with them, and prays for them. In addition, on Saturday Pastor David leads a special time of prayer for a period of two hours, and on Sunday Pastor David conducts a worship service for the children.

  • Schooling: All of the children (except the very youngest) attend school five days a week. They all attend the same school and are able to walk back and forth to the school from the orphanage.